Let's get ready to start your Youth Apprenticeship Experience
Completing your application is the first step in the process to express your interest in the program. Completing the application DOES NOT GUARANTEE a placement. You will still need to interview and go through the hiring process for open positions.
Already have a job? That is awesome! We still need you to complete the application so we have your student records for enrollment purposes.
If you are not employed in your career area of interest, no worries! The application process will provide the details needed to possibly help us get you connected to the right position.
If you are not currently employed, you will need the information below to complete the application:
- An idea of a career area that interests you
- Your parent/guardian email (different from your email)
- Your School Counselor's name and email
- An Educator (Teacher, Counselor, or Administrator) that can serve as a reference for you
- Optional: Resume, Cover Letter, and Letter of Recommendation. This can help your application stand out to employers if you have one to upload.
If you are already employed and would like to continue with your current employer for your Youth Apprenticeship position, you will need the following information to complete the application:
- Employer name
- An email and phone number of your supervisor
- Dates of employment
- Description of your current job responsibilities
- Your application isn't submitted until you see the thank you page
- Once your application is submitted, on the thank you page it is recommended that you download your completed application